Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Different Parts Of Camera πŸ“·

 Hello world!

Welcome to my another blog. I hope you all are doing well. And you all have clicked lot of pictures πŸ“Έ.Did you??πŸ€”
So, after clicking lot of pictures from different angles, settings, using your own creativity.

Are you able to understand the different parts and uses of different camera settings....

Let's discuss....

1.Front of camera- 
Look at the picture there are;

1.Shutter trigger- It is the button on a camera that you press to make the shutter open and capture the image. Through shutter speed you can also change and control the speed.

2. Shutter- It is the part at the front of a camera that opens for a very short time to let light in so that a photograph can be taken.

3.Camera body- Its all about the structure of camera , it may be different depending upon the companies. They have there different structure and design.

4. Image sensor-An image sensor is a device that helps to convert light rays into electrical signal.

2.Back of the camera-
Look at the picture there are;

1. Viewfinder- The eyepiece on a camera that you hold close to your eye, it allows you to see what's being photographed.

2. Button interface- So on the camera there are lot of buttons interface through which, you can search, preview your images, you can select, delete ,sometimes you can edit it also.

3.Primary LCD display- In this you can see the images and set a frame accordingly.

3. Side of the camera-
Look at the picture there are;

1. Memory card slot- All the pictures you click they used to save in the memory card. There is slot given in the camera to place the card.

2. Zoom/focus -In the starting there are three rings for zoom ,focus and aperture through it you can make your image more attractive and perfect.

*Aperture--It is the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed into the camera.

Well remember one thing as I told before also,
As I have shown in the picture it may possible that those parts are not at that point on the camera, it happens because of different companies and there different designs but all of these points will be on the camera you have to only find it...so don't get confused.πŸ˜‰

We will discuss more about it in our another blog till that remember all these and keep clicking pictures.

Thank you 😊
Take care

Friday, October 20, 2023

Photography Tips For Beginners πŸ“Έ

Hello world!

Welcome to my first blog😊. I hope you all are doing well. My name is Nidhi. Well, I am not a professional photographer πŸ™ƒbut I am working on it. Right now I am studying πŸŽ“in lovely professional university. It's in punjab and I am pursuing bachelor's in journalism and mass communication.

I am here to share few tips on the photography as a beginner.

So let's beginπŸ˜‰..


So the first thing you have to keep in mind is:

1.Choose your subject- Before clicking anything create a imagination and the purpose of clicking the picture. 

2.Take your time- Think about your subject, Be relax ,Try to create a story.

3.Camera should be still- Don't shake your camera, take it smooth otherwise the picture will get blur.

4.Change your perspective- Think different, Try   to take from different angles, Be creative, and always do experiments. 

5.Make a good frame.

6.Start with your phone camera and then use DSLR it will be easy to use.

7.In starting , keep it simple and try to focus on your object.

We have technical words in camera and as being the user of camera and as a photographer you should have the idea about it .I will discuss about it in my another blog . Till then keep clicking pictures, be patience and explore as much as you can. And I hope you heard this...

 "The more you practice, the luckier you get"                                               - Gary player. 

So practice daily.

Take care,


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